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Entrepreneur in focus: Kristina Todorova

Meet Kristina Todorova, Gravity West Court community ambassador, transformational life coach and the founder of Coaching for Transformers. We asked her about her business and how living at Gravity helps with it.


Tell us a bit about your business.

Coaching for Transformers is a digital life coaching and conscious living platform dedicated to supporting people in changing their lives and building businesses and careers around what lights them up, in a healthy and sustainable manner. We offer personalised coaching and mentoring sessions, digital resources and we are soon launching a lifestyle shop where our community will be able to buy a variety of products to enhance their wellbeing and quality of life. 


What inspired you to start your business?

I spent a few years working as a corporate coach and trainer in London, following which I decided to quit my corporate job and launch a coaching business. Although the business took off well initially, it began crumbling in December 2020 and after a series of events in my personal life such as illness, loss, breakup, I found myself in a rather dark place emotionally, with almost no money in my bank account and moving back in with my parents in Bulgaria. This period, which I often call “my rock bottom”, led to exploring my values and what I wanted for my life and re-launching Coaching for Transformers as a digital platform. 

I wanted to create a digital space for people to receive support in dealing with difficult moments for free (this is why many of our blog articles contain self-help exercises) and inspire them to believe in their dreams, whilst also offering resources to help them achieve them. In a nutshell, the relaunch of the business was inspired by my personal journey of facing hardships and using them as an opportunity to rebuild my life in a much healthier and happier way. 


Did you find living Gravity helpful or beneficial to your business venture?

Absolutely – I love Gravity! I have not only met like-minded people here but have also collaborated with other entrepreneurs who live in Gravity. 


What do you enjoy most about working for yourself?

What I love the most is the freedom – I love the fact that I get to decide how to spend my days, who to work with and build a business solely around my passions and values. It just does not feel like work – it gives me so much joy and fulfilment. 


What advice would you give to someone who is trying to become an entrepreneur?

Don’t overthink it (that’s fear kicking in) but get started and trust your ability to figure things out as you go. The vision will keep expanding as you and the business grow. Also, get support from the very beginning – something I did not do because, as a coach, I let my ego get in the way, thinking I didn’t need support with my mindset. It only took two years of many “failures” and hitting rock bottom to finally ask for help. As a new entrepreneur, it is a must to have a coach or mentor (or both) to support you as entrepreneurship isn’t a straightforward path and you have to learn to embrace and make the most of the unknown. 


How do you define success?

Success to me is creating opportunities for yourself to do what you love and be fulfilled by it, live with joy and have no ceiling on your income.


What would you say to an aspiring entrepreneur who is considering living with Gravity?

Gravity is a great place to live not only because of the vibe but the other members that live here. You can network with fellow entrepreneurs and build useful connections. 


If our readers want to find out more about your business, where should they look?

They can visit our website and follow us on Instagram. Gravity members receive discounted rates on our services – they can find out more about the support available to them on the community app. 


Gravity Co-Living is a more connected way for entrepreneurs and top talent to live in London. If you are a CEO, founder or employee looking for network led living, check out our co-living rooms and apartments in London.