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Following on from our last blog, we dive deeper into the community benefits that living with Gravity brings to each and every member - During COVID and beyond! Now, more than ever before, we are understanding the amazing wellbeing and professional benefits that can be achieved when sharing aspects of our daily lives with each other. COVID has been a terrible crisis around the world, but if anything it is highlighting the need for stronger communities and the amazing possibilities that come with it! Read on to find out how making the switch to Gravity can benefit you!

Our last blog went through the physical differences between traditional & co-living homes. This post dives deeper and explores the intangible benefits. The benefits that make co-living unique and the benefits that other forms of housing do not even consider. These are the benefits people underestimated, but now during crisis, understand more than ever, are essential to modern day living! 


At Gravity we aim to take accommodation to the next level. We adapt, we create, and we grow as a community. This way of evolving, is in itself a key difference between traditional & modern living.

Community of young professionals

  • Being confined to your house or room 24/7 can make living, both on your own and with people, more stressful than ever. At Gravity our home is created with community at its heart. 
  • We ensure all our members believe & respect community living & with our community manager on hand, you will always have support, in any situation.
  • Gravity’s network of international professionals allows us to learn & grow from each other.
  • In times of crisis, our community spirit & drive is highlighted through our strong internal member network. 
  • Our energizing community allows us to overcome our worries & motivates us to conquer whatever challenge the world throws at us. COVID is just one of these and collectively we fight & collectively we will succeed. 

Weekly activities

  • A lot of us may be lost without access to the physical outside world. But at Gravity – even during COVID – we offer a variety of activities (virtually). From coffee catch ups, Yoga classes to pub quiz nights! If you ever feel bored, then you know there is always something happening at Gravity. Keeping our minds & bodies as active as possible is empowering & much needed during COVID. 
  • Not all events are run by our staff & our members are always thinking of new ways to entertain each other. From weekend BBQ’s to bike rides & game nights! Bringing people together is as important as ever during COVID!



  • Partnerships with local & international companies has always been a big part of our Gravity plan. Now more than ever, being a member of Gravity and having unique deals & offers with our partner companies is a benefit worth using. 
  • From healthy food delivery, laundry services, on-line education, mental wellbeing platforms and so on. We always want to make the lives of our members as hassle free and convenient as possible, having all these amazing deals available makes life so much easier in both our current situation & also in less stressing times.

Community APP

  • We invested in our community APP from the very beginning, not because we foresaw COVID, but because we know how busy people are & how useful a communication channel would be for our staff & our members! 
  • Our APP allows our community to contact Gravity and send maintenance or cleaning requests, along with join events or create their own, talk directly with other members and access all our exclusive partnerships! 
  • Now more than ever this APP is being used and helps ensure our community stays connected & has everything available to them all at their fingertips! 

Meaningful engagement 

  • It’s human instinct to live within communities, we have done so from the very beginning and the benefits of living within a close network are very empowering.
  • Today, in many major cities around the world, although we live and interact with 1000’s of people, our interaction is usually limited and not engaging or meaningful. Now due to COVID we see ourselves even more isolated in our homes. 
  • With Gravity, you always have a community to support you, when not physically, virtually! Through events, conversations, sharing tasks & advice. These interactions are so powerful & something that is often lacking in other forms of housing.


All of us at Gravity understand that times are challenging & unprecedented. During such times it’s in human nature to try and keep control of as much of our daily lives as possible. During the best of times, making alterations to where & how we live can be difficult. But more than ever, making the switch to co-living could be a much-needed life changing decision. 

With a quick call or email to Gravity we are happy to help and answer any questions you may have. One thing you can be reassured, living at Gravity takes away daily stresses & leaves you to concentrate on what matters to you! 

We hope you are staying fit & healthy during COVID and from all of us at Gravity stay safe, stay home & help save lives!