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Live fast die old. Entrepreneurs can do it well.

Live fast or die old? Guni Dias CEO & Founder of Dotiv, the preventive healthcare marketplace - gives advice for entrepreneurs living in the fast lane.

Live fast or die old?

Clearly, work life balance harmony is not considered one of the defining characteristics of the life of an entrepreneur, but perhaps it should be. The most brilliant and creative amongst us are sometimes the most troubled, and nowhere is that clearer than in the entrepreneurial world.

Hustling is what keeps an entrepreneur going when times are tough. But it can also quickly lead to burnout and even mental health issues. The tricky balance: between driving a business and personal time. An entrepreneur’s life is commonly known to be spending most of their time thinking, breathing, and building their business and weekends are usually just another workday. 


Entrepreneur Work Life Balance I Gravity


One reason why an entrepreneur should care about the amount of time their brain is dedicated to working. A study published in the European Heart Journal examined the risk of atrial fibrillation in people who worked more than 55 hours per week, compared to those who worked 35-40 hours per week. The researchers studied over 85,000 working men and women around age 43, and 10 years in, more than 1,000 of those people had developed new cases of atrial fibrillation.

After the study concluded, the researchers determined that people who worked over 55 hours per week were 1.4 times more likely to get atrial fibrillation than people who worked fewer hours. Atrial fibrillation is a commonly diagnosed type of heart disease that is known to lead to stroke, heart failure, and certain types of dementia. 


Preventing Burnout I Gravity


As an entrepreneur myself, this study did strike a nerve. However, it does make sense that being constantly worried about your business may not be beneficial to your mental and physical health in the long run. That said, our relationship to work and the definition of “balance” is very unique to one another. At Dotiv, we promote preventive healthcare. Focusing on the day-to-day and incorporating holistic elements that will contribute to overall wellbeing more sustainably. Looking at health as endurance training over sprint training. Here are some key pillars Dotiv looks out for 


Social Support 

We are social beings, and we don’t have to do everything alone. Being an entrepreneur can be very lonely at times, but it’s up to them to decide if they want to face things alone. Quick wins start with including scheduled time with loved ones, friends, and family. 


Support Circle I Gravity



Outdoor sports, as we move, breathe deeply and naturally, focusing our attention and bodily sensations. The release of happy hormones - a positive effect on the nervous system and mood-regulating hormones. It can be from a mindful walk, a run, yoga, tai chi, or more vigorous sports if that works best for you. - Getting that blood flowing by taking a mindful walk. 


Mindful movement I Gravity


Meditate – healthy ways to cope with stress.

There are thousands of studies that have shown mindfulness meditation can positively impact mental and physical health. Whether it’s by reducing stressimproving sleepincreasing focus, or improving relationships, research shows mindfulness works.

By scheduling a daily meditation, not only will it help reduce stress but also focus and indirectly productivity. 


Meditate I Gravity


Eat proper food 

Food is medicine; Research shows that dietary habits influence disease risk. While certain foods may trigger chronic health conditions, others offer strong medicinal and protective qualities. As the day-to-day of an entrepreneur can be hectic, food can sometimes be compromised. Investing time in mindfully picking and eating the right type of foods for that specific individual is essential. 


Eat well I Gravity


Building companies is inherently hard mentally, physically, and emotionally, but our ecosystem can sometimes be toxic, with dozens of factors all contributing to make it even more so. If not taken seriously, we are quite literally killing ourselves and thereby sabotaging our long-term competitiveness. There are tangible actions each one of us can take to start fixing our lifestyles. I believe most of those actions boil down to treating each other and ourselves as human beings. For more sustainable health let’s start by recognizing and embracing our weaknesses and supporting one another in our imperfections. 


About dotiv

Meet dotiv [dɔtˈɪv], an innovative health and wellness app providing access to complementary and alternative medicine for everyone. With dotiv, you can find a trusted practitioner, book an appointment, and order your recommended supplements. We are building a one-stop-shop for your healthcare needs!