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Positive 2023 Intentions

Your personal goals for the year ahead

Although January has now past, setting positive intentions for yourself and the year ahead shouldn’t be constricted to just the one month.  Goal setting can do great things for your mental health.  And remember, bigger isn’t always better.  A smaller or more achievable objective is a great place to start.  When we achieve our goals, we feel a sense of being proud and have a heightened self-esteem.  So do everything you can to soak that up.   Create goals that a more achievable to begin with and as you continue to achieve, give yourself a bit more of a challenge.

If you’re stuck for ideas, allow us to inspire you.  The below are three examples of different levels of goal setting, each paired to one of our fundamental pillars of community here at Gravity Co-Living.

Goal #1 – Be more social.  ‘Easy’ achievement level – Gravity Co pillar of community > meaningful engagement

Research shows many people can feel anxious about their lack of ‘real life’ contact or socialising. Social media endlessly sells us ‘fun,’ which leaves many feeling depressed at the lack of a social life, largely due to long work hours, financial pressures and the constant ‘online’ contact.

At Gravity Co-Living, we understand that lack of socialising can be a daytime problem and not just an evening one. Remote working and entrepreneur life although they have many pros, can actually inflate loneliness if you find yourself constantly working on your own and/or in secluded spaces.  How can this problem be tackled?  Tried and tested by the team at Gravity Co-Living, co-working spaces are great areas for your to become fully immersed in social activity.  Even when working alone, they're full of energy and great social spaces that can inspire and encourage. 

Although, at Gravity Co-Living, we pride ourselves on providing flexible, cool communal/co-working spaces for our members, we also know that variety is the spice of life.  That’s why we’ve joined forces with Hubble Pass.  They are connected to the load of co-working spaces all over the world and operate on a credit system, so you can purchase credits directly with them and redeem these at a number of co-working spaces.  Whether you’re after a day pass or something a bit longer.   

Goal #2 – Enhance your physical fitness. ‘Moderate’ achievement level – Gravity Co pillar of community > personal wellbeing

Yes, this is a typical intention that is set at the start of each year, but often one that is not continued throughout.  Enhancing your physical fitness levels is a great way to keep the body and mind healthy and in a positive state.  Even though the weather is not as inviting as in the summer months for outdoor activity, there are still a number of fitness ideas to explore.  Whether you want to attend a gym so you can move at your own pace, focus on more controlled activities such as yoga or Pilates or even try something that’s a bit more intense, such as HIIT or spinning, there are plenty of options available to you.

To encourage our members to do just this, we’ve teamed up with Urban Yoga Lab who not only run various classes across the capital, but also come to our properties for yoga, Pilates and meditation workshops.  If you are looking to join a gym, we’d recommend our partners PureGym who have a number modern, 24 hours Gyms across the UK.  If you fancy your workouts with at a higher intensity, we suggest 1Rebel!


Learn new skills: ‘Complex’ achievement level - Gravity Co pillar of community > professional development

We are living in an ever-changing world that includes the job market and work demands for younger generations. As data and technology continue to evolve, the skill or knowledge of knowing how to code is becoming more and more in demand.  Have you ever wanted to write the language of programs?  Learning this skill has become much more accessible.

At Gravity Co-Living, we’ve partnered with coding school Le Wagon to give our members access to great tech courses including Web Development, Data Science and Data Analytics. As well as offering a variety of courses, Le Wagon run these both full and part timed, so you are able learn at a pace and time that is more suited to your needs.  If you why to explore learning how to code, have a look at their site today.