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Gravity Professional Growth

Why Gravity is an ideal home for tech professionals

Given the term ‘tech’ is rather broad these days, it has now segued into all industries (consider the latest term coined, ‘fashtech’ (fashion based), – it is still largely the big tech companies that are leading the way on remote based work and, particularly post pandemic, have shifted to a full remote/hybrid employee strategy.

Whilst this new ‘anywhere working’ model is still in flux and companies are still experimenting how to achieve the best productivity, remuneration based on location and other company benefits, Gravity Co is continuing to adapt to ensure members have the best support along the way.

For those in or looking to get into the tech sector, these 8 large tech companies are just some to lead the shift to remote/hybrid work strategies:

  • Coinbase has decided to become a fully remote-first company in May 2020. Reasons for this decision included the choice of hiring top talent from around the world, following the company’s own crypto and decentralised ethos with their workforce, and allowing employees the freedoms they enjoy.
  • Dropbox has been remote-first since October 2020.
  • Upwork, an international freelance working platform, is remote-first in a bid to create a global digital talent marketplace.
  • Slack is taking an adaptive approach, increasingly hiring remote staff to broaden the talent pool as well as offering flexible working hours.
  • Google, the tech giant, is pushing a hybrid model for workers with around 20% of staff able to work remotely.
  • Meta (Facebook/Instagram), the social media giants, are offering remote work, largely dependent not just on seniority of role but also whether the job role is suited to remote work.
  • Spotify has launched a full remote working rollout but with the premise that remote workers have to be in an area/country that has a Spotify hub.
  • GoPro, perhaps with the most progressive approach, full encourages employees to up-root and choose remote work if it makes them feel happy and appreciated.


Gravity Co is an ideal rental solution for tech professionals (which make up a large percentage of our members) for the following reasons:


Gravity understands that, with remote working jobs, employees no longer want to be tied into long rental contracts if new opportunities take them elsewhere, which is why Gravity offers 1 to 12 month contracts. And should you need to leave earlier than expected, just give us 4 weeks notice.


Community is part of the core DNA of Gravity. As tech jobs are, arguably, more isolating than creative careers, we offer remote workers and renters the chance to network with other Gravity members, so you can meet like-minded individuals and promote engagement, ideas and even job development.

Professional growth

Gravity actively supports the entrepreneurial spirit, whether that’s actively starting up a company, following your passion or just wishing to develop or climb the ladder in your remote working job. Not only do we take the day-to-day stress of other rental companies away – all you do is sign up for a membership, pay rent and utilities in one bill, and leave the rest to us – we organise events and activities that offer both professional and personal development (think personalised coaching, meditation groups and sporting events).


If you're interested in learning more about our properties, take a look at our options here.